Privacy and Cookie Policy


TikTok 合作伙伴隐私政策
最后更新日期:2024 年 3 月

我们已更新合作伙伴隐私政策。除其他澄清性变更外,我们添加了详细信息,以描述我们如何收集并处理使用 TikTok 的整合电子商务平台 TikTok Shop 的卖家的信息,以及描述我们如何处理并与第三方和整合平台工具共享的信息。

本合作伙伴隐私政策(简称“合作伙伴隐私政策”)适用于 TikTok 就链接或引用本合作伙伴隐私政策的某些 TikTok 应用程序、网站、软件和相关服务(简称“合作伙伴平台”)进行处理的您的个人信息。这包括您在商业环境中使用(包括您作为代表时)合作伙伴平台。


合作伙伴平台仅适用于年满 18 岁的用户,不面向未满 18 岁的个人。未满 18 周岁的人士不得使用合作伙伴平台,也不得在合作伙伴平台上注册账户。

合作伙伴平台由不同的 TikTok 实体提供和运营,具体取决于您的位置:

  • 如果您在欧洲经济区(简称“EEA”)、英国和瑞士居住,则爱尔兰公司 TikTok Technology Limited(简称“TikTok Ireland”)和在英格兰和威尔士注册的 TikTok Information Technologies UK Limited(简称“TikTok UK”)将作为通用数据保护条例(简称“GDPR”)的联合控制人。
  • 如果您在美国(简称“美国”)居住,TikTok Inc. 将运营合作伙伴平台。
  • 如果您不在美国或英国,则 TikTok Pte. Ltd(一家新加坡公司)是您的个人数据的控制人。但是,如果您使用的是 TikTok Shop、TikTok Seller Academy、TikTok Shop Partner Center、TikTok Shop Brand Portal 或其他电子商务服务(简称“电子商务服务”),请参阅本合作伙伴隐私政策中有关您所在地区的司法管辖一节,以了解关于控制人安排的更多详细信息。


本合作伙伴隐私政策不适用于处理以下您的用户和客户信息:(i)您通过使用 TikTok 广告商工具向我们提供(或我们收集)的信息;或(ii)我们通过与您的广告活动整合衡量合作伙伴接收的信息,例如设备标识符、网络标识符、电子邮件地址或电话号码。此类处理受 TikTok Business Product (数据)条款TikTok 隐私政策的保护。本合作伙伴隐私政策也不涵盖处理在未创建账户的情况下访问合作伙伴平台的被动用户的信息。TikTok 隐私政策涵盖此类处理。

  • 个人资料信息。当您在合作伙伴平台上创建账户(包括您以代表身份)或以其他方式与我们互动时,您可能需要提供某些信息,包括您的姓名、电话号码、电子邮件地址、公司/组织名称和详细信息、工作职责、专业领域和银行账户信息。您可能还需要提供信息和文件以验证您的身份,其中可能包括就业信息或身份证。
  • 您联系我们时的信息。当您联系我们时,我们会处理您向我们提供的信息,以便我们回复您对我们产品的业务咨询、提供用户支持并向您提供建议(例如,关于特定的广告活动项目或特定的店铺促销项目)。当您参加抽奖或报名参加网络研讨会和现场活动时,我们(或我们的服务提供商)会处理您的信息,以便您能够参加。
  • 消息。我们收集消息,包括您通过合作伙伴平台的消息功能编写、发送或接收消息时提供的信息。其中包括您在与我们和其他用户(例如在 TikTok Shop 购买您的产品的用户)沟通时通过我们的聊天和虚拟助理功能发送的消息。该信息包括该信息的内容和与该信息相关的元数据,例如发送、接收或读取时间,以及信息参与者。请注意,您选择发送给平台其他用户的消息将由这些用户访问,我们不对这些用户使用或共享消息的方式负责。
  • 商业内容。您出于商业目的(例如广告和电子商务)在合作伙伴平台上创建和上传的文本、照片或视频称为“商业内容”。我们出于产品开发和内容适配的目的对业务内容进行分析。
  • 付款信息。如果您在合作伙伴平台上付款或收到付款,我们会通过付款服务提供商向您收集付款信息,包括您卡上的姓名、您的卡号、账单地址、有效期和安全代码,以及银行账户或其他付款信息。
  • 通话和视频会议记录。我们可能会(依法)录制电话会议和视频会议,并保留对话的文本记录,用于培训、质量保证、产品开发和管理目的。
  • TikTok 账户信息。如果您选择将您的 TikTok 账户与您的合作伙伴平台账户关联,我们可以根据您的权限访问您的电子邮件地址、电话号码、用户名、验证状态、账户性能信息、视频、直播和与您的内容相关的评论等信息。


  • 我们的供应商和供货商,他们协助提供您可能会与之互动的合作伙伴平台服务。
  • 企业和身份验证提供商,我们使用它们来帮助预防和检测欺诈行为。
  • 您的授权代理人或第三方代表。
  • 公开来源。
  • 第三方潜在客户生成服务提供商。
  • 向我们提供信息(例如您的电子邮件地址、用户 ID 和公开个人资料)的第三方平台和合作伙伴,例如当您选择使用这些第三方提供的登录功能注册或登录合作伙伴平台时,或从不同平台链接账户时。
  • 技术信息。当您使用合作伙伴平台时,我们会自动收集网络和设备信息,例如您的 IP 地址、设备标识符、设备名称、操作系统类型、从 Cookie 和其他追踪技术获得的信息、时区、语言和其他本地设置以及服务器日志(可能包括访问日期和时间等信息)。
  • Cookie。我们使用 Cookie 和类似追踪技术(统称为“Cookie”)运营和提供合作伙伴平台,包括允许您登录合作伙伴平台的安全区域,使我们能够提供某些特性和功能,或增强您使用合作伙伴平台的体验。有关我们在合作伙伴平台上针对欧洲经济区、英国和瑞士的个人使用 Cookie 的更多信息,请参阅我们的网络 Cookie 政策
    您可以通过您的设备浏览器设置拒绝或禁用 Cookie 控制我们收集的某些信息。由于每个浏览器都不同,请查阅您的浏览器提供的说明。请注意,您可能需要采取额外措施拒绝或禁用某些类型的 Cookie。此外,您选择禁用 Cookie 是针对您禁用 Cookie 时使用的特定浏览器或设备,因此您可能需要分别禁用各种类型浏览器或设备的 Cookie。如果您选择拒绝、禁用或删除 Cookie,则您可能无法再使用合作伙伴平台的某些功能。如果没有这些信息,我们将无法向您提供所有请求的服务。
  • 使用信息。我们收集有关您如何与合作伙伴平台互动的信息,包括有关您浏览的内容、您使用的时间和频率、您与其他用户的互动、您的搜索历史记录以及您的设置的信息。

当您在合作伙伴平台上进行交易时,例如,如果您以卖家身份使用 TikTok Shop 服务,我们会收集与您的账户相关的购买和交易历史记录、退款和投诉信息、客户对您的商店的评论(以便计算您的店铺评级)、与您的产品发货和交付相关的物流信息(包括由第三方物流供应商提供的信息)。当您向我们提供您与第三方(包括创建者)的合同时,我们也可能收集合同信息和交易条款。


  • 使我们能够提供和管理合作伙伴平台,以便您创建和发布您的广告活动、开设并管理您的商店、与我们的用户互动、满足购买产品、商品和服务的请求,以及使用我们的开发者工具
  • 为您提供用户支持,包括进行故障排除,通知您合作伙伴平台和服务相关通知的变更。
  • 个性化和定制合作伙伴平台上的某些功能和内容。
  • 促进商品和服务的销售、推广和购买,并提供用户支持。
  • 回应您关于我们产品的业务咨询,或改进、推广和发展您在 TikTok Shop 的业务,并为您提供有关我们提供的服务的个性化建议。
  • 执行我们的条款,例如 TikTok Shop 服务条款TikTok for Business 商业服务条款Business Product(数据)条款社区准则以及适用于您的其他政策。 
  • 调查并解决您与客户之间的投诉或纠纷(例如用户通过 TikTok Shop 向您订购产品)。
  • 维护和增强合作伙伴平台的安全性、可靠性和稳定性,例如通过识别和解决技术问题或安全问题(包括检测和防止滥用、有害活动、欺诈、垃圾邮件和其他非法活动)。
  • 作为我们账户注册、安全和欺诈预防措施的一部分,对您的身份进行验证并进行尽职调查。
  • 审查、改进、推广和开发合作伙伴平台,包括监控用户互动、执行 A/B 测试、开展调查,以及培训和改进我们的技术,如我们的机器学习和人工智能模型和算法。
  • 发送可能对您有用的营销通信。您可以通过点击我们发送的每封营销通信页脚中的链接,或在应用程序的隐私设置中调整您的营销偏好选择不接收这些信息。 
  • 遵守适用的法律、法规和法定义务。
  • 用于我们收集您的信息时或经您同意向您披露的任何其他目的。


  • 整合平台提供商。我们向其平台或服务与合作伙伴平台整合的第三方平台共享有限信息。这包括第三方身份验证提供商,以便我们验证您的身份。例如,当您在 TikTok Shop 开设商店时,我们会使用名为 Jumio 的第三方验证提供商来验证您的身份。我们还与第三方共享有限信息,包括您在创意中心输入 AI 工具的信息,第三方的平台或服务,为 Microsoft 等 AI 工具提供支持。
  • 广告服务提供商。我们会与广告、营销和分析服务提供商共享您的信息,包括广告追踪服务和商业智能服务,以协助我们推广合作伙伴平台。
  • 支付处理商和交易执行提供商。 当用户通过合作伙伴平台上的购物功能向您购物时,我们会与代表您的支付处理商和交易执行提供商共享与交易相关的购买、支付和交易执行信息。例如,我们与支付处理商,例如 Paypal、Stripe、PIPO 和 WorldPay,共享信息以便我们处理付款并完成合作伙伴平台上的订单。这些公司也可能作为您信息的掌控人处理您的付款,以及用于反洗钱和反欺诈目的。

我们会与其他 TikTok 用户(购买者、创建者、合作伙伴和卖家)共享您的个人信息,便于您与这些 TikTok 用户联系,以接收和/或提供产品和服务。如果您是 TikTok Shop 的卖家,您的店铺详情和产品信息,如您的店铺评级,将提供给其他用户和公众。

如果您是 TikTok 的广告商,您的公司名称(如果您是个体经营者则为您的真实姓名)和国家的信息将提供给用户和公众。





  • 公司交易。您的信息可能会因公司交易而披露给第三方,例如合并、出售资产或股份、重组、融资、控制权变更或收购我们全部或部分业务。
  • 独立研究员:我们会与独立研究人员共享您的信息,以促进符合特定标准的研究。
  • 法律义务和权利。如果我们确信有下列必要,我们可以访问、保存并与执法机构、公共当局、版权持有者或其他第三方共享“我们收集哪些信息”中所述的信息:
    • 遵守适用法律、法律程序或政府要求且符合国际公认的标准;
    • 保护我们、我们的用户、版权持有人和其他人的权利、财产和安全,包括保护生命或防止即将发生的人身伤害。例如,如果发生危及他人生命或安全的紧急情况,我们可能会向执法部门提供信息(如您的 IP 地址);
    • 调查可能违反我们的条款、准则或任何其他适用条款、政策或标准的行为并强制执行;
    • 发现、调查、预防或处理误导性活动、版权侵权或其他非法活动。
  • 遵守适用法律、法律程序或政府要求且符合国际公认的标准;
  • 保护我们、我们的用户、版权持有人和其他人的权利、财产和安全,包括保护生命或防止即将发生的人身伤害。例如,如果发生危及他人生命或安全的紧急情况,我们可能会向执法部门提供信息(如您的 IP 地址);
  • 调查可能违反我们的条款、准则或任何其他适用条款、政策或标准的行为并强制执行;
  • 发现、调查、预防或处理误导性活动、版权侵权或其他非法活动。




合作伙伴平台可能整合由我们或第三方运营的不属于合作伙伴平台的其他应用程序、网站、在线平台、软件工具或相关服务(统称为“其他服务”)或包含此类服务的链接。本合作伙伴隐私政策不适用于此类其他服务。您直接向这些其他服务(无论您是否是通过合作伙伴平台上提供的链接获得)提交的任何信息,和 TikTok 根据本合作伙伴隐私政策的条款与其他服务共享的任何信息,均受其各自适用的隐私政策的约束。在您向这些其他服务提交任何信息之前,请查看这些政策。



如果您位于以下任何地点,则您可使用当地的专用联系渠道。请参见第 8 节以了解更多详情。




  • 访问:您有权访问您的个人信息,包括关于我们如何使用和与谁共享您的个人信息的信息。如果您认为我们持有关于您的任何其他个人信息,请通过 https://www.tiktok.com/legal/report/privacy 联系我们。 
  • 更正:如果您的个人信息不准确,您有权更正。如果您认为我们持有的关于您的任何个人信息不准确,请通过 https://www.tiktok.com/legal/report/privacy 联系我们。 
  • 您的权利:如果您对我们处理您的信息有任何疑问、疑虑或投诉,您可以联系澳大利亚信息专员办公室(电话:+61 1300 363 992,或发送电子邮件至enquiries@oaic.gov.au)。我们将回复告知您将由谁来处理您的事务,以及您何时可以得到进一步回复。 

使用 TikTok for Business 平台,即表示您确认您已阅读、理解并同意本合作伙伴隐私政策中所述的做法,因此适用以下附加条款。

我们处理您的信息的法律依据: 根据巴西隐私和数据保护法规 (LGPD),TikTok 仅在有法律依据的情况下才有权处理从用户处收集的信息。合作伙伴平台使用的法律依据示例如下:

  • 合同签署:使我们能够管理运营并向您提供合作伙伴平台,以便您可以在我们或我们的关联方上运营的应用程序或服务创建、提交和/或投放业务内容(电子商务、广告或赞助);回复与我们的产品相关的业务咨询,加快付款处理;为您提供用户支持,包括进行故障排除,并通知您合作伙伴平台和服务相关通知的变更。 
  • 合法权益:确保合作伙伴平台的安全性和可靠性,包括进行尽职调查,验证账户,以及检测和防止滥用行为,有害活动,欺诈、垃圾邮件和其他非法活动;发送营销通信,包括可能有用的、相关的、有价值或与所提供的产品和服务有关的其他您可能感兴趣的推广和广告材料;以改进和优化我们的审查流程,识别违反我们政策的行为。

您的权利:用户有权要求 TikTok 提供有关其个人信息处理情况的信息,例如确认存在处理、访问数据/数据拷贝的权利,纠正不完整、不准确或过时数据的权利,匿名化、阻止或消除不必要的、过度或违法处理数据的权利,数据迁移权,删除经数据主体同意处理的个人数据,来自控制人与之共享数据的公共和私人实体的信息的权利;关于不提供同意的可能性和不提供同意的后果的信息,以及撤销同意的权利。

数据的保留:TikTok 将保留您的个人信息,保留时间仅为收集此类信息所需的时间(不超过法律或我们的记录保留政策要求或允许的时间),不超过内部报告和核对所需的合理时间,也不超过向您提供您可能要求的反馈或信息所需的合理时间。



如果您是加州居民,您可以提交关于知情、访问、更正或删除我们在 https://www.tiktok.com/legal/report/privacy 上收集的关于您的信息的请求。您也可以通过将您的请求发送到上文“我们是谁以及如何联系我们”一节中提供的实际地址来行使您的知情、访问、更正或删除权利。您也可以通过您可能可用的设置直接更新您的账户信息。您的知情权包括我们收集了关于您的哪些个人信息,其中包括收集个人信息的来源类别、收集或共享个人信息的业务或商业目的、我们与之共享个人信息的第三方的类别,以及我们收集的关于您的具体个人信息。我们不会因您行使任何隐私权而歧视您。



不销售或分享跨上下文行为广告。如果您是加利福尼亚州居民,我们在过去十二 (12) 个月内没有也未曾按照加利福尼亚州消费者隐私法(“CCPA”) 的规定销售或分享关于您的个人信息。

不追踪。某些浏览器会向网站发送“不追踪 ”信号。由于浏览器整合和激活此功能的方式存在差异,我们目前不对这些信号采取相应措施。


您的权利: 除了适用法律规定的有限例外情况,您有权访问您的个人信息,并在此类信息不准确、不完整或不是最新信息时更新、更正或纠正此类信息。根据适用法律,您还有权要求提供关于您的个人信息的处理情况,例如我们是否持有您的此类信息、使用目的以及我们可能与哪些第三方共享您的信息。




在您的司法管辖区之外传输: 我们和我们的服务提供商(包括我们的公司集团的成员、子公司或关联公司)可能会在加拿大境外(对于魁北克居民而言,在魁北克外),包括美国、马来西亚、新加坡以及我们或我们的服务提供商所在的其他外国司法管辖区,访问、存储和以其他方式处理个人信息,在这种情况下,个人信息将受该特定司法管辖区法律的管辖。如需了解我们或我们的服务提供商(包括加拿大境外的服务提供商)如何处理个人信息,请通过以下联系信息与我们联系。如果适用法律或法律程序要求或允许,我们和我们的服务提供商可能会披露您的个人信息,其中可能包括我们或我们的服务提供商运营所在司法管辖区的外国法院、执法部门或其他政府机构的合法访问。

联系人: 如果您对我们的信息处理做法有任何疑问或疑虑,询问我们的服务提供商(包括位于您司法管辖区之外的服务提供商)如何处理您的个人信息,或者如果您希望行使您的隐私权,您可以通过 https://www.tiktok.com/legal/report/Privacy-Office-Canada 联系我们的隐私办公室。







  • 向您提供合作伙伴平台。我们使用您的信息来提供和运营合作伙伴平台,以便您创建和管理您的广告活动、开设和管理您的商店、就您的产品与用户互动,以及与 TikTok 技术整合。我们还使用您的信息为您提供关于我们提供的服务和合作伙伴平台的个性化和定制功能、内容和建议。
  • 管理平台。我们使用您的信息来管理合作伙伴平台,例如就服务相关事宜与您沟通、向您提供更新和支持、回复和处理您的询问、调查和解决索赔、投诉或争议(包括当您向我们反映问题或要求提供您的信息副本时)。
  • 支持产品的购买和交付。 我们使用您的信息处理订单,例如协助处理付款、加快产品交付以及就您的产品与您沟通。这包括与买方、支付服务提供商和交易履行提供商共享您的信息。
  • 执行我们的条款、准则或政策。我们使用您的信息执行我们的条款、准则和政策。这可能包括删除内容(包括通过自动方式),或者如果我们确定您违反了我们的条款或准则,暂停或封禁您的账户。





  • 我们帮助合作伙伴平台用户衡量在 TikTok 上浏览的广告、购物列表和其他内容的效果和传播情况。
  • 所依据的合法权益:使合作伙伴平台用户能够浏览和了解其广告或内容的表现,以及浏览其广告或内容或与之互动的受众。这样,他们就可以做出明智的决定(例如,他们可能要开展哪些类型的活动、他们要接触的受众类型以及用户最喜欢的内容类型)。这有助于保持我们向用户展示的广告和其他内容的相关性和娱乐性,并使平台对所有用户免费。
  • 使用的信息:您提供的信息、自动收集的信息和交易信息


  • 我们使用您的信息确保我们社区的安全和福祉,包括审查业务内容(以及适用法律允许情况下的消息和相关元数据)是否违反我们的条款、准则和其他政策。
  • 所依据的合法权益:为保证社区安全,审查对准则的遵守情况,识别合作伙伴平台的滥用情况,改进和优化我们的审查流程,以识别违反我们政策的业务内容。
  • 使用的信息:您提供的信息、自动收集的信息、来自其他来源的信息和交易信息。


  • 我们使用您的信息确保平台的稳定性和可靠性,包括分析用户活动并执行 A/B 测试、验证账户、进行用户调查、识别和解决技术问题或安全问题(如技术错误、垃圾邮件账户以及防止滥用、有害活动、欺诈、垃圾邮件和其他非法活动)。
  • 所依据的合法权益:确保合作伙伴平台的持续稳定性和可靠性,并确保其持续可用和正常运行。
  • 使用的信息:您提供的信息、自动收集的信息、来自其他来源的信息和交易信息。


  • 我们使用掌握的信息来了解人们如何使用合作伙伴平台以及开发并改进合作伙伴平台,包括培训、开发和改进我们的技术,例如我们的机器学习模型和算法。我们还使用这些信息更好地了解和推广合作伙伴平台。
  • 所依据的合法权益:在知情的情况下改进、推广和开发合作伙伴平台。
  • 使用的信息:您提供的信息、自动收集的信息和交易信息。


  • 我们可能会通过电子邮件、电话、短信、应用程序内或推送通知,就我们认为您或您的公司感兴趣的推广、竞赛、产品或服务与您联系。我们将在法律要求的情况下征得您的同意与您联系。
  • 所依据的合法权益:为了推广合作伙伴平台及其产品和服务,或您提供的可能有用、相关、有价值或其他感兴趣的第三方产品和服务。
  • 使用的信息:您提供的信息、自动收集的信息、来自其他来源的信息和交易信息。



我们请求您同意出于特定目的访问或使用您的信息,这些目的将在我们根据您的同意首次收集您的信息时披露给您。 您始终可以通过设备权限、应用内设置或账户设置撤销同意。




就您的信息而言,您拥有权利和选择。有些权利适用于一般情况,而有些仅适用于特定情况。根据具体情况,这些权利可能会受到一些限制。TikTok Ireland 将负责在法律规定的相关期限内回复您的请求。如果需要解决您的请求,TikTok 爱尔兰将与 TikTok UK 联系。



纠正您的信息。 如果您的信息不准确,您可以更改或要求我们更改或更正您的信息。



限制处理您的信息。在以下情况下,您有权要求限制处理您的信息:(a) 您质疑信息的准确性,(b) 信息被非法处理,但您反对删除该信息,(c) 您需要保留该信息以寻求或抗辩法律索赔,或 (d) 您反对处理,并且您正在等待该反对请求的结果。

如需行使上述任何权利,请通过我们的 webform 联系我们。 在我们回复行使上述一项或多项权利的请求之前,您可能需要验证您的身份或账户详细信息,或提供更多信息,以便我们了解您的请求。

如果您不满意我们对您的任何权利请求的回复,我们鼓励您“联系我们”。您还有权向爱尔兰数据保护委员会(TikTok 爱尔兰的主要监管机构)或您当地的监管机构提出投诉。



充分性决定。这些是欧盟委员会根据 GDPR 第 45 条做出的决定(或根据其他法律做出的同等决定),这些决定中承认一个国家/地区提供了充分的数据保护。我们会按照我们收集什么信息所述将您的信息传输到具有充分性决定的某些国家/地区,例如此处列出的国家/地区;

标准合同条款。欧盟委员会已根据 GDPR 第 46 条批准合同条款,允许欧洲经济区内的公司将数据传输到欧洲经济区之外。这些条款(以及英国和瑞士经批准的与之同等条款)被称为标准合同条款。我们依据标准合同条款,将“我们收集哪些信息”中所述的信息传输给我们企业集团的某些实体(如此处所述)以及没有充分性决定的国家/地区的第三方。



您可以通过我们的 webform 联系我们,了解本合作伙伴隐私政策。您可以在此处联系 TikTok 的数据保护官。


  • 对于欧洲经济区和瑞士的用户:TikTok Technology Limited, 10 Earlsfort Terrace, Dublin, D02 T380, Ireland。
  • 对于英国用户:TikTok Information Technologies UK Limited, Kaleidoscope, 4 Lindsey Street, London, EC1A 9HP, United Kingdom。

如果您在印度使用我们的服务,合作伙伴平台由 Bytedance (India) Technology Private Limited 提供和控制。TikTok 是我们提供和推广服务的品牌。使用印度的这些服务时,请将本政策中的 “TikTok”、“我们”或“我方”理解为 Bytedance (India) Technology India Private Limited。


数据控制人。通过 TikTok 平台在印度尼西亚提供的电子商务服务以“商店”的形式运营。本合作伙伴隐私政策中提及的“TikTok”、“我们”或“我方”在适当情况下应指 PT Tokopedia 和 TikTok Pte Ltd,它们是负责您的个人数据的数据控制人,包括提供电子商务服务。

年龄、家长和监护人同意。访问和/或使用电子商务服务,即表示您声明您已年满 21 岁或已婚或不受监护。如果你未满 21 岁,并且你未婚或处于监护之下:

  • 你必须获得你的家长或法定监护人的批准;
  • 您的家长或法定监护人负责:(i) 与您访问和使用电子商务服务有关的所有行为;(ii) 您遵守本政策;以及 (iii) 确保您参与电子商务服务的任何行为在任何情况下都不违反与儿童保护有关的适用法律法规。



您可以要求我们 (i) 披露我们收集的个人数据的历史记录;和/或 (ii) 删除并处理我们服务器上收集的您的个人数据。请注意,要求我们删除和处理您的个人数据,您可能无法使用合作伙伴平台的某些特性和功能。

如需行使您的任何权利,请通过 https://www.tiktok.com/legal/report/privacy 联系我们。


数据保留。只要是为您提供服务所必需的,我们都会保留您的信息。如果我们不需要您的信息来向您提供服务,我们仅在有合法商业目的期限内保留这些数据。但是,在某些情况下,我们可能根据我们的法律义务或者为了确立、行使或抗辩法律索赔而需要保留这些数据五 (5) 年(或在需要时保留更长时间)。

在您终止使用我们的合作伙伴平台且五 (5) 年保留期届满后,我们会以汇总和匿名方式存储您的信息。可能会无限期保留非个人身份信息,以供分析。



  • TikTok 将对我们的员工进行必要和适当的监督,例如对处理您信息的员工进行教育或培训。如果发生数据泄露,或者 TikTok 确定我们或我们的服务提供商很可能发生此类泄露,TikTok 将及时向您报告相关事实,对此进行调查和报告,并采取措施以防止再次发生。
  • 在外包或分包处理您的信息时,TikTok 将与外包/分包商签订一份合同,该合同的数据保护义务与我们聘请的处理您全部或部分信息的外包/分包商相同,并对外包/分包商履行合同的情况进行适当监督和负责。
  • 如果 TikTok 将您创建的信息或受众传输给位于日本境外的第三方或 TikTok 关联方,TikTok 将通过书面合同或具有法律约束力的规则,向此类第三方和 TikTok 关联方施加与我们在 TikTok Business Product (数据)条款项下的同等数据保护义务,除非适用法律、法规和适用的行业准则另有规定。
  • TikTok 对您的信息的准确性负责或负责删除您的任何信息,并有权根据适用法律法规回应任何权利主张。TikTok 将披露您的信息处理情况,TikTok 将负责回应数据主体权利的行使和用户的投诉。


数据控制人。如果您在马来西亚使用电子商务服务,负责处理您个人数据的数据控制人是 TikTok Shop (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd。但是,与 TikTok Shop 平台运营相关的某些活动可能由 TikTok Pte. Ltd. 执行,其将是这些处理活动的数据控制人。例如,TikTok Pte. Ltd. 可能负责 TikTok 应用程序中 TikTok Shop 平台的开发和改进,并为此成为数据控制人。我们在本合作伙伴隐私政策中提及“TikTok”、“我们”或“我方”时,是指 TikTok Pte. Ltd. 和 TikTok Shop (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd。


数据控制人。如果您在菲律宾使用电子商务服务,负责处理您个人数据(包括提供电子商务服务)的数据控制人是 ByteDance Philippines Inc.。但是,与 TikTok Shop 平台运营相关的某些活动可能由 TikTok Pte. Ltd. 执行,其将是这些处理活动的数据控制人。例如,TikTok Pte. Ltd. 可能负责 TikTok 应用程序中 TikTok Shop 平台的开发和改进,并为此成为数据控制人。我们在本合作伙伴隐私政策中提及“TikTok”、“我们”或“我方”时,是指 TikTok Pte. Ltd. 和 ByteDance Philippines Inc.

您的权利。如果有关数据隐私的法律、规章制度认可您作为数据主体的权利和自由,您有权获得信息、提出异议、访问、更正、删除或屏蔽数据、向 NPC 投诉、要求损害赔偿和迁移数据。在我们回应行使上述一项或多项权利的请求之前,您可能需要验证您的身份或账户详细信息。


  • 数据保留。如果您同意的个人数据收集目的已经实现、您同意的或本合作伙伴隐私政策中规定的个人数据使用期限届满,我们将销毁个人数据;但是,在适用的情况下,我们将继续在以下法定期限内存储您的个人数据,包括但不限于:
    • 电子商务消费者保护法案
      • 您取消订单、购买商品付款以及我们提供商品/服务的记录:5 年
      • 处理消费者投诉或纠纷的记录:3 年
      • 广告和标签记录:6 个月
    • 通信秘密保护法案
      • 您访问我们网站的记录:3 个月
  • 个人数据的销毁。我们以一种相关部门无法恢复的方式销毁您的个人数据。
  • 数据权利。您有权访问我们所持有的关于您的个人数据,纠正所持有的关于您的个人数据不准确之处,要求删除所持有的关于您的个人数据,并有权要求暂停处理您的个人数据。您可以通过 https://www.tiktok.com/legal/report/privacy 联系我们来行使您的权利。
  • 数据安全。我们努力保护合作伙伴平台和用户免受对我们持有的信息的未经授权的访问或未经授权的更改、披露或销毁。为此,我们制定了技术、管理和物理保障措施,包括内部数据保护政策,限制在有必要知情的情况下访问个人数据,并控制对处理个人数据的设施的访问。
  • 个人数据的委托和/或海外传输。如适用,我们会将您的数据委托给我们的关联公司、云存储提供商、IT 服务提供商和数据中心,其中一些位于国外,但须征得您的同意或通知您。接收和处理您的数据的实体承诺根据国内和国际法规使用和存储个人数据,并采取一切可用的物理和技术措施来保护个人数据。只要不是向您提供服务所必需的传输,您即可通过https://www.tiktok.com/legal/report/privacy 联系我们,选择退出此类传输。
  • 个人信息保护法规定的当地代表。根据个人信息保护法,请将您关于韩国隐私问题的询问发送给我们的当地代表。联系方式如下。

    Bae, Kim and Lee LLC
    代表:Yangho Oh
    地址:Tower B, Centropolis, 26 Ujeongguk-ro
    Jongno-gu, Seoul 03161, Korea




处理您的个人数据的法律依据。根据第 6698 号个人数据保护法第 5 条的规定,我们依据以下法律依据处理您的个人数据:

  • 法律明确规定或要求处理
  • 处理您的个人数据是必要的,前提是其与我们之间合同的签订或履行直接相关
  • 处理是强制性的,使我们能够遵守我们的法律义务
  • 您自己向公众提供的相关数据
  • 为确立、行使或保护权利而必须进行处理
  • 在不侵犯您的基本权利和自由的前提下,出于我们的合法利益必须进行处理
  • 您的明确同意(请注意,只有当我们需要您的同意才能进行处理时,我们才会依据此法律依据,如果我们依据上述其他法律依据,则不会依据此法律依据)

您的权利。根据数据保护法第 11 条规定,您对您的个人数据享有以下权利:

  • 了解我们是否处理您的个人数据的权利;
  • 如果我们处理您的个人数据,请求提供有关此类处理的信息的权利;
  • 了解处理目的以及是否用于此类目的的权利;
  • 了解我们向其传输您的个人数据的国家/地区内外的第三方的权利;
  • 请求更正不完整或不准确的个人数据的权利;
  • 请求根据数据保护法第 7 条规定的条件删除或销毁您的个人数据的权利;
  • 请求我们通知我们向其传输您的个人数据的第三方根据您的请求在上述两项范围内更正、删除和/或销毁您的个人数据的权利;
  • 反对仅通过自动方式分析您的个人数据而产生对您不利结果的权利;
  • 就因非法处理您的个人数据而造成的损害提出索赔的权利。




  • 了解我们是否处理您的个人数据的权利;
  • 如果我们处理您的个人数据,请求提供有关此类处理的信息的权利;
  • 了解处理目的以及是否用于此类目的的权利;
  • 了解我们向其传输您的个人数据的国家/地区内外的第三方的权利;
  • 请求更正不完整或不准确的个人数据的权利;
  • 请求根据数据保护法第 7 条规定的条件删除或销毁您的个人数据的权利;
  • 请求我们通知我们向其传输您的个人数据的第三方根据您的请求在上述两项范围内更正、删除和/或销毁您的个人数据的权利;
  • 反对仅通过自动方式分析您的个人数据而产生对您不利结果的权利;
  • 就因非法处理您的个人数据而造成的损害提出索赔的权利。





TikTok Partner Privacy Policy
Last updated: March 2024

We have updated our Partner Privacy Policy. Among other clarifying changes, we have added details about the information we collect and process about sellers using TikTok’s integrated ecommerce platform, TikTok Shop, and details about the information we process and share with third parties and integrated platform tools.

This Partner Privacy Policy (the "Partner Privacy Policy") applies to your personal information that TikTok processes in connection with certain TikTok apps, websites, software and related services (the “Partner Platform”) that link to or reference this Partner Privacy Policy. This includes your use (including when you act as a representative) of the Partner Platform in a commercial context.

The Partner Platform includes, but is not limited to:

  • TikTok for Business, a collection of websites and features aimed at business partners for multi-tool advertising and related services;
  • TikTok Shop, including TikTok Shop Seller Center, an integrated e-commerce platform for sellers selling goods on TikTok;
  • TikTok Seller Academy, a website providing operational guidance and training for sellers on TikTok Shop.
  • TikTok Shop Partner Center, a platform which provides professional e-commerce services to sellers and creators to help them thrive on TikTok Shop;
  • TikTok Shop Brand Portal, a platform for TikTok brands to partner with TikTok Shop sellers.
  • TikTok for Developers, where third-party developers, publishers, researchers, and others can integrate with TikTok technology; and
  • TikTok Creator Marketplace, where advertisers can search for and partner with creators for advertising and marketing campaigns.
  • TikTok Creative Center, a platform which provides tools and other services to assist advertisers in generating monetized content and maximizing the effectiveness of such content.
  • TikTok Live Backstage, a livestream management platform for businesses.

The Partner Platform is only for users over the age of 18 and is not directed at persons under the age of 18. Persons under the age of 18 are not allowed to use, or register an account on, the Partner Platform.

The Partner Platform is provided and operated by different TikTok entities depending on your location:

  • If you live in the European Economic Area (“EEA”), UK and Switzerland, TikTok Technology Limited, an Irish company (“TikTok Ireland”), and TikTok Information Technologies UK Limited (“TikTok UK”), a company registered in England and Wales, act as joint-controllers for the purpose of the General Data Protection Regulation (the “GDPR”).
  • If you live in the United States (“US”), TikTok Inc. operates the Partner Platform.
  • If you are not in the US or the UK, TikTok Pte. Ltd (a Singapore company) is the controller responsible for your personal data. However, if you are using TikTok Shop, TikTok Seller Academy, TikTok Shop Partner Center, TikTok Shop Brand Portal, or other e-commerce services (“E-Commerce Services”), please see the jurisdictional section of this Partner Privacy Policy for your region for further details of the controller arrangement.

This Partner Privacy Policy describes the information that we gather from or about you on the Partner Platform or in connection with its use. This Partner Privacy Policy also describes, among other things, how we use and disclose such information, your rights and choices with respect to this information, and how you can contact us if you have any questions or concerns.

This Partner Privacy Policy does not cover the processing of information about your users and customers that (i) you provide to us (or we collect) via your use of the TikTok Advertiser Tools; or that (ii) we receive via measurement partners integrated with your ad campaigns such as device identifiers, network identifiers, email addresses or phone numbers.  Such processing is covered by the TikTok Business Products (Data) Terms and TikTok's Privacy Policy. This Partner Privacy Policy also does not cover the processing of information of passive users who access the Partner Platform without creating an account. Such processing is covered by TikTok's Privacy Policy.

Information You Provide

Profile information. When you create an account (including when you are acting as representative) or otherwise interact with us on the Partner Platform, you may be required to provide certain information including your name, telephone number, email address, company/organization name and details, job role, area of expertise and bank account information. You may also be required to provide information and documents to verify your identity, which may include employment information or identification card.

Information When You Contact Us. When you contact us, we process information that you provide us in order for us to reply to your business inquiries about our products, provide user support and to provide advice to you (for example, on a specific ad campaign project or on a specific shop promotion project). When you enter prize draws, or sign up for webinars and in-person events we (or our service providers) process your information in order to enable you to participate.

Messages. We collect messages, which include information you provide when you compose, send, or receive messages through the Partner Platform’s messaging functionalities. They include messages you send through our chat and virtual assistant functionality when communicating with us and with other users (such as users who purchase your products in TikTok Shop). That information includes the content of the message and the associated metadata about the message, such as when it was sent, received, or read, and message participants. Please be aware that messages you choose to send to other users of the Platform will be accessible by those users and that we are not responsible for the manner in which those users use or share the messages.

Business Content. Text, photos or videos you create and upload on the Partner Platform for business purposes (e.g. for advertising and e-commerce) is referred to as "Business Content." We analyze Business Content for the purposes of product development and content moderation.

Payment Information. Where you make a payment or receive a payment on the Partner Platform, we collect payment information from you through payment service providers, including the name on your card, your card number, billing address, expiration date and security code, and bank account or other payment information.

Call and Video Conference Recordings. We may record phone calls and video conferences (in accordance with law) and retain transcripts of dialogue for training, quality assurance, product development and administration purposes.

TikTok Account Information. If you choose to link your TikTok account with your Partner Platform account, we can access information like your email address, phone number, username, verification status, account performance information, videos, livestreams and comments associated with your content, in accordance with your permissions.

Information From Other Sources
  • Our vendors and suppliers that help provide Partner Platform services you may interact with.
  • Business and identity verification providers, which we use to help prevent and detect fraud.
  • Your authorized agents or third party representatives.
  • Publicly available sources.
  • Third party lead generation providers.
  • Third Party Platforms and Partners, which provide us with information (such as your email address, user ID, and public profile), for example when you choose to sign up for or log in to the Partner Platform using sign-in features provided by those third parties, or link accounts from different platforms.
Automatically Collected Information

Technical Information. When you use the Partner Platform, we automatically collect network and device information such as your IP address, device identifier, device name, type of operating system, information obtained from Cookies and other tracking technologies, time zone, language and other local settings, and server logs (which can include information like access dates and times).

Cookies. We use cookies and similar tracking technologies (collectively, “Cookies”) to operate and provide the Partner Platform, including, for example, to enable you to log into secure areas of the Partner Platform, to enable us to provide certain features and functionality, or to enhance your experience using the Partner Platform. For more information about our use of cookies on the Partner Platform for individuals located in the EEA, UK and Switzerland please see our Web Cookies Policy.

You may be able to control some of the What Information We collect through your device browser settings to refuse or disable Cookies. Because each browser is different, please consult the instructions provided by your browser. Please note that you may need to take additional steps to refuse or disable certain types of Cookies. In addition, your choice to disable Cookies is specific to the particular browser or device that you are using when you disable Cookies, so you may need to separately disable Cookies for each type of browser or device. If you choose to refuse, disable, or delete Cookies, some of the functionality of the Partner Platform may no longer be available to you. Without this information, we are not able to provide you with all of the requested services.

Usage Information. We collect information about how you engage with the Partner Platform, including information about the content you view, the duration and frequency of your use, your engagement with other users, your search history and your settings.

Transaction Information

When you make transactions on the Partner Platform, for example, if you use the TikTok Shop service as a seller, we collect purchase and transaction history associated with your account, information about refunds and complaints, customer reviews of your store in order to calculate your store ratings, logistics information regarding shipment and delivery of your products including by third party logistics providers. We may also collect contract information and deal terms when you provide us with your contracts with third parties (including creators).

We process your information for the following purposes:

  • To enable us to provide and administer the Partner Platform, so that you can create and deliver your advertising campaigns, open and manage your store(s), interact with our users, fulfill requests for the purchases of products, goods, and services, and utilize our Developer Tools.
  • To provide you with user support, including to perform troubleshooting and notify you about changes to the Partner Platform and service related notifications.
  • Personalize and customize certain features and content on the Partner Platform.
  • To facilitate sales, promotion, and purchases of goods and services and to provide user support.
  • To respond to your business inquiries related to our products, or to improve, promote, and develop your business on TikTok Shop, and provide you with personalized advice about the services we offer.
  • To enforce our Terms, such as the TikTok Shop Terms of Service, TikTok for Business Commercial Terms of Service and the Business Product Data Terms, Community Guidelines, and other policies that apply to you. 
  • To investigate and resolve complaints or disputes between you and your customers (such as where users order products from you via TikTok Shop).
  • To maintain and enhance the safety, security, and stability of the Partner Platform such as by identifying and addressing technical or security issues or problems (including detecting and preventing abuse, harmful activity, fraud, spam, and other illegal activities).
  • To verify your identity as part of our account registration, security and fraud prevention measures, and to conduct due diligence.
  • To review, improve, promote, and develop the Partner Platform, including by monitoring user interactions, performing A/B tests, conducting surveys, and by training and improving our technology, such as our machine learning and AI models and algorithms.
  • To send marketing communications that may be useful to you. You have the ability to opt out of receiving these communications by clicking a link in the footer of each marketing communication we send, or adjusting your marketing preferences in the privacy settings of the app . 
  • To comply with applicable laws, regulations and legal obligations.
  • For any other purposes disclosed to you at the time we collect your information or pursuant to your consent.
Business Partners and Service Provi

We engage partners that help us provide, support, promote, and develop our Partner Platform products and events, and understand how they are used. They provide services such as chat services, mailing, email, cloud hosting, content delivery, customer and technical support, content moderation, marketing, legal, accounting, analytics, financial services, fraud prevention, in-person event coordinators and services, and online payment. We share your information (as described in What Information We Collect) with these partners as necessary to enable them to provide their services on the Partner Platform. Some examples include:

  • Integrated Platform Providers. We share limited information with third party platforms whose platform or services are integrated with the Partner Platform. This includes third party identity verification providers, so that we can verify your identity. For example, where you open a shop on TikTok Shop, we use a third party verification provider called Jumio to verify your identity. We also share limited information, including information you enter into the AI tools in the Creative Center, with third parties whose platforms or services power the AI tools, such as Microsoft.
  • Advertising Service Providers. We share your information with advertising, marketing and analytics services providers, including advertising tracking services and business intelligence services, to assist us in promoting the Partner Platform.
  • Payment Processors and Transaction Fulfillment Providers. When users make a purchase from you through the shopping features on the Partner Platform, we share purchase, payment, and transaction fulfillment information related to the transaction with payment processors and transaction fulfillment providers acting on your behalf. For example, we share information with payment processors, such as Paypal, Stripe, PIPO and WorldPay, so that we can process payments and fulfill orders made on the Partner Platform. These companies may also act as a controller of your information to process your payments and for anti-money laundering and fraud prevention purposes.
Other Users

We share your personal information with other TikTok users (buyers, creators, partners and sellers), for the purposes of connecting you with those TikTok users for the receipt and/or provision of products and services. Where you are a seller on TikTok Shop, your shop details and product information, such as your shop ratings, are made available to other users and the public.

Where you are an advertiser on TikTok, information about your company name (or your real name where you are a sole trader) and country are available to users and the public.

Our Corporate Group

As a global company, the Partner Platform is supported by certain entities within our corporate group (“Corporate Group”). These entities process the information (described in “What Information We Collect”), as necessary to provide certain functions, such as storage, content delivery, security, research and development, analytics, online payments, customer and technical support, and content moderation. See “Our Global Operations and Data Transfers” for additional information.


We share your information in other limited scenarios as follows:

Corporate Transactions. Your information may be disclosed to third parties in connection with a corporate transaction, such as a merger, sale of assets or shares, reorganization, financing, change of control, or acquisition of all or a portion of our business.

Independent Researchers: We share your information with independent researchers to facilitate research that meets certain criteria.

Legal Obligations and Rights. We may access, preserve, and share the information described in "What Information We Collect" with law enforcement agencies, public authorities, copyright holders, or other third parties if we have good faith belief that it is necessary to:

  • comply with applicable law, legal process or government requests, as consistent with internationally recognised standards;
  • protect the rights, property, and safety of us, our users, copyright holders, and others, including to protect life or prevent imminent bodily harm. For example, we may provide information (such as your IP address) to law enforcement in the event of an emergency where someone’s life or safety is at risk;
  • investigate potential violations of and enforce our Terms, Guidelines, or any other applicable terms, policies, or standards; or
  • detect, investigate, prevent, or address misleading activity, copyright infringement, or other illegal activity.

Security of your information is important to us. We maintain appropriate technical, administrative, and physical security measures that are designed to protect your information from unauthorised access, theft, disclosure, modification, or loss. We regularly review our security measures to consider available new technology and methods.

We retain information for as long as necessary to provide the Partner Platform and for the other purposes set out in this Partner Privacy Policy. We may, in accordance with the laws of your jurisdiction also retain information such as where necessary to comply with contractual and legal obligations, where we have a legitimate business interest to do so (such as improving and developing the Partner Platform, and enhancing its safety, security and stability), and for the exercise or defense of legal claims.

The retention periods will be different depending on different criteria, such as the type of information and the purposes for which we use the information. For example, when we process your information to provide you with the Partner Platform, we keep this information for as long as you have an account.

The Partner Platform may integrate with or contain links to other applications, websites, online platforms, software tools, or related services (collectively, “Other Services”), operated either by us or by third parties, that do not fall within the Partner Platform. This Partner Privacy Policy does not apply to such Other Services. Any information submitted by you directly to these Other Services, regardless of whether you arrived at such Other Service via a link provided on the Partner Platform, and any information TikTok shares with Other Services pursuant to the terms of this Partner Privacy Policy, is subject to their respective applicable privacy policies. Please check these policies before you submit any information to these Other Services

We may amend or update this Partner Privacy Policy from time to time. When we update this Partner Privacy Policy, we will notify you by updating the “Last Updated” date at the top of the new Partner Privacy Policy, posting the new Partner Privacy Policy, or providing any other notice required by applicable law.

Questions, comments and requests regarding this Partner Privacy Policy should be addressed to: https://www.tiktok.com/legal/report/privacy

If you are based in any of the below locations dedicated local contact channels may be available to you. Please see Section 10 for more details.

Some jurisdiction-specific laws contain additional terms, which are set out in this section. If you are a user to which the laws of the jurisdictions set out below apply, the terms set out below apply to you in addition to the terms set out above and, in the event of a conflict, the terms set out below prevail.

If you are using the Partner Platform in Australia, these terms shall apply.

Certain entities in our corporate group located outside of Australia, are given limited remote access to your information so that they can provide certain functions, as described in the section on "How we share your information". Please see here for further information on the countries in which our corporate group entities which receive personal data from Australia are located.

  • Access: You have the right to access your personal information including information on how we use it and who we share it with. If you believe we hold any other personal information about you, please contact us at https://www.tiktok.com/legal/report/privacy
  • Correction: You have the right to correct your personal information where it is inaccurate. If you believe we hold any inaccurate personal information about you, please contact us at https://www.tiktok.com/legal/report/privacy
  • Your rights: If you have any questions, concerns or complaints in relation to our handling of your Information, you may contact the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (Telephone +61 1300 363 992 or email enquiries@oaic.gov.au). We will respond to let you know who will be handling your matter and when you can expect a further response. 

By using the TikTok for Business Platform, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed with the practices described in this Partner Privacy Policy, so the following additional terms apply.

Our legal bases for processing your Information: According to the Brazilian privacy and data protection legislation (LGPD), TikTok is only authorized to process information collected from users when there is a legal basis. Examples of legal bases used in the context of Partner Platform are given below:

  • Execution of a contract: to enable us to administer, operate, and provide the Partner Platform to you so that you can create, submit and/or place business content (e-commerce, advertising, or sponsored) on websites, applications or services operated by us or our affiliates; to respond to business inquiries related to our products, to facilitate payment processing; to provide you with user support, including to perform troubleshooting and notify you about changes to the Partner Platform and service related notifications. 
  • Legitimate interest: to keep the Partner Platform safe and secure, including conducting due diligence, verifying accounts, and detecting and preventing abuse, harmful activity, fraud, spam, and other illegal activities; to send marketing communications, including promotional and advertising materials that may be useful, relevant, valuable or otherwise of interest relating to products and services offered; to improve and optimize our review process, for the purpose of identifying violating our policies.

Your Rights: Users have the right to request TikTok information regarding the processing of their personal information, such as confirmation of the existence of processing, right to access to data/copies of data, right to correction of incomplete, inaccurate or outdated data, right to anonymization, blocking or elimination of unnecessary, excessive or processed data in violation of the law, right to data portability, deletion of personal data processed with the consent of the data subject, information from public and private entities with which the controller shared data; information about the possibility of not providing consent and about the consequences of not giving, right to withdraw consent.

Retention of Data: TikTok will retain your personal information for as long as it is necessary to serve the purpose(s) for which such information was collected, for no longer than is required or permitted by law, or our records retention policy, reasonably necessary for internal reporting and reconciliation purposes, or to provide you with feedback or information you might request.

If there is a legitimate interest justifying the storage, the possibility of opt-out will be offered when applicable, such as in cases involving marketing communications.

Contact: In case of questions, comments, or concerns about this Partner Privacy Policy, please contact us at: https://www.tiktok.com/legal/report/privacy

If you are a Californiaa resident, you may submit a request to know, access, correct or delete the information we have collected about you at https://www.tiktok.com/legal/report/privacy. You may also exercise your rights to know, access, correct, or delete by sending your request to the physical address provided in the “Who we are and how to contact us” section above. You can also update your account information directly through setting that may be available to you.t. Your right to know includes what personal information we have collected about you, including the categories of sources from which the personal information is collected, the business or commercial purpose for collecting or sharing personal information, the categories of third parties to whom we share the personal information, and the specific pieces of personal information we have collected about you. We do not discriminate based on the exercise of any privacy rights that you might have.

You may be entitled, in accordance with applicable law, to submit a request through an authorized agent. To designate an authorized agent to exercise choices on your behalf, please provide evidence that you have given such agent power of attorney or that the agent otherwise has valid written authority to submit requests to exercise rights on your behalf. We will respond to your request consistent with applicable law and subject to proper verification. We will verify your request by asking you to send it from the email address associated with your account or to provide information necessary to verify your account.

While some of the information that we collect and use may constitute sensitive personal information, we only process such information in order to provide the Platform and within other exemptions under applicable law. For example, we may process your financial information in order to provide you the services you request from us or your driver’s license number in order to verify your identity.


No Sales or Shares for Cross-Context Behavioral Advertising. If you are a California resident, we do not and have not in the last twelve (12) months sold or shared personal information about you as defined by the California Consumer Privacy Act ("CCPA").

Do Not Track. Some browsers transmit “do-not-track” signals to websites. Because of differences in how browsers incorporate and activate this feature, we currently do not take action in response to these signals.

If you are using the Partner Platform in Canada, the following additional terms apply.

Your Rights: Subject to limited exceptions under applicable law, you have the right to access your personal information and to update, correct or rectify such information if it is inaccurate, incomplete or no longer up to date. You also have the right to request information about the processing of your personal information, such as whether we hold such information about you, the purposes for which it is used, and the third parties with whom we may share your information, subject to applicable law.

Where we rely on your consent to collect, use or disclose your personal information for a particular purpose, you also have the right to withdraw your consent at any time, subject to legal or contractual restrictions and reasonable notice. If you withdraw your consent to our collection, use or disclosure of your information, we may not be able to provide certain products, services or features that require us to process your personal information.

To exercise these rights, you may contact us using the contact information set out below. We may require certain personal information for the purpose of verifying the identity of the individual making the request.

Your Choices: We may send you direct marketing messages about Partner Platform features, third party services, promotions, contests, campaigns and events that we think may be of interest to you. You can unsubscribe from our marketing emails at any time by clicking the “unsubscribe” link included at the bottom of each email we send. Please note that even after you unsubscribe, you may still receive other communications, such as transaction and service-related messages, account updates or other communications necessary for the proper functioning of our services or to maintain a business relationship with you.

Transfer Outside Your Jurisdiction: We and our service providers (including members, subsidiaries, or affiliates of our corporate group) may access, store and otherwise process personal information outside of Canada (and, for residents of Quebec, outside of Quebec), including in the United States, Malaysia, Singapore, and other foreign jurisdictions where we or our service providers are located, in which case it will be subject to the laws of that particular jurisdiction. For information about how we or our service providers (including service providers outside Canada) process personal information, please contact us using the contact information set out below. We and our service providers may disclose your personal information if we are required or permitted by applicable law or legal process, which may include lawful access by foreign courts, law enforcement or other government authorities in the jurisdictions in which we or our service providers operate.

Contact: If you have any questions or concerns about our information handling practices, inquiries about how our service providers (including our service providers located outside of your jurisdiction) treat your personal information, or if you would like to exercise your privacy rights, you can contact our Privacy Office at https://www.tiktok.com/legal/report/Privacy-Office-Canada.

(If you are located in the EEA, UK or Switzerland the section below applies to you)

Our Legal Bases and How We Process

We may only use your information when we have a “legal basis” to do so. We use different legal bases depending on why we use your information (in other words, the “purpose” of our processing). These legal bases are contractual necessity, legitimate interests (ours, yours or those of another party), consent, compliance with a legal obligation, performing a task in the public interest, and protection of vital interests.

Here we explain the legal bases we rely on when we process your information. This section also describes why we use your information, how this information is processed, the categories of information involved, and the associated rights (which always includes the right to access your information). For more information on how to exercise any of your rights, please check out the “Your Rights” section below.

Contractual Necessity

We use Information You Provide, Automatically Collected Information, Information from Other Sources and Transaction Information where it is necessary to perform the contract you enter into (our Terms) when you register for, access, or use the Partner Platform. This means we use your information to:

  • Provide you with the Partner Platform. We use your information to provide and operate the Partner Platform so that you can create and manage your advertising campaigns, open and manage your store(s), interact with Users with respect to your products, and integrate with TikTok technology. We also use your information to provide you with personalized and customized features, content, and advice about the services we offer and the Partner Platform.
  • Administer the Platform. We use your information to enable us to administer the Partner Platform such as to communicate with you on service related matters, provide you with updates and support, and respond to and process your queries, investigate and resolve claims, complaints or disputes (including when you tell us about a problem, or ask for a copy of your information).
  • Support the purchase and delivery of products. We use your information to handle orders, such as assist with processing payments, facilitate the delivery of products, and communicate with you about your products. This includes sharing your information with buyers, payment service providers, and transaction fulfillment providers.
  • Enforce our Terms, Guidelines, or policies. We use your information to enforce our Terms, Guidelines, and policies. This may include removing content (including through automated means) or suspending or banning your account if we determine that you are violating our Terms or Guidelines.

Your Rights: Whenever we use your information on the basis that it is necessary for the contract we have with you, you have the right to port information you have provided to us.

Legitimate Interests

We use your information where this is necessary to achieve legitimate interests - whether belonging to us, you, or a third party - provided these interests are not outweighed by your interests or fundamental rights and freedoms. We use the information we collect to:

Provide measurement and analytics services.

  • We help Partner Platform users measure the effectiveness and distribution of ads, shopping listings, and other content viewed on TikTok.
  • Legitimate Interest relied upon: To enable Partner Platform users to view and understand how their ads or content performed and the audience that viewed or interacted with their ads or content. This is so that they can make informed decisions (such as what kinds of campaigns they may want to run, the type of audience they want to reach and the types of content that users enjoy the most). This helps keep the advertising and other content we show users relevant and entertaining, and keeps the Platform free for all users.
  • Information used: Information You Provide, Automatically Collected Information, and Transaction Information

Ensure the safety and well-being of our community.

  • We use your information to ensure the safety and well-being of our community, including by reviewing Business Content (and if permitted under applicable law, Messages and associated metadata) for breaches of our Terms, Guidelines, and other policies.
  • Legitimate Interest relied upon: To keep our community safe, review compliance with our Guidelines, identify misuse of the Partner Platform, and to improve and optimize our review process, for the purpose of identifying Business Content violating our policies.
  • Information used: Information You Provide, Automatically Collected Information, Information from Other Sources and Transaction Information.

Ensure the security and stability of the Partner Platform.

  • We use your information to ensure the stability and security of the Platform, including analyzing user activity and performing A/B testing, verifying accounts, conducting user surveys, by identifying and combating technical or security issues (such as technical bugs, spam accounts, and preventing abuse, harmful activity, fraud, spam and other illegal activity).
  • Legitimate Interest relied upon: To ensure the ongoing stability and security of the Partner Platform and to ensure it is continuously available and functioning.
  • Information used: Information You Provide, Automatically Collected Information, Information from Other Sources, and Transaction Information

Review, improve, promote and develop the Partner Platform.

  • We use the information we have to understand how people are using the Partner Platform and to develop and improve the Partner Platform, including to train, develop, and improve our technology such as our machine learning models and algorithms. We also use this information to better understand and promote the Partner Platform.
  • Legitimate Interest relied upon: To improve, promote, and develop the Partner Platform in an informed way.
  • Information used: Information You Provide, Automatically Collected Information, and Transaction Information

Marketing communications.

  • We may contact you by email, telephone, SMS, in-app or push notification about promotions, contests, products or services that we think will interest you or your company. We will obtain your consent to contact you where required by law.
  • Legitimate Interest relied upon: To promote the Partner Platform and its products and services or third party products and services you offer that may be useful, relevant, valuable or otherwise of interest.
  • Information used: Information You Provide, Automatically Collected Information, Information from Other Sources, and Transaction Information

Your Rights: Whenever we use your information on the basis that it is necessary for legitimate interests, you can object to, and request restriction of, such usage.


We ask for your consent to access or use your information for specific purposes, which will be disclosed to you at the time we first collect your information pursuant to your consent. You’ll always be able to revoke your consent through your device permissions, or through your in-app or account settings.

Your rights: Whenever we use your information based on your consent, you can withdraw your consent at any time. However, your withdrawal of consent will not affect the lawfulness of processing your information based on your consent prior to your withdrawal of consent.

You also have the right to port information you have provided to us that we use based on your consent.

Your Rights

You have rights and choices when it comes to your information. Some of these rights apply generally, while others will only apply in certain circumstances. Depending on the scenario, these rights may be subject to some limitations. TikTok Ireland will be responsible for responding to your request within the relevant periods provided by law. If necessary to resolve your request, TikTok Ireland will liaise with TikTok UK.

Access your information. You can ask us, free of charge, to confirm what information we process about you, to provide certain information about the processing, and for a copy of your information.

Delete your information. You can delete or ask us to delete some or all of your information.

Rectify your information. You can change or ask us to change or correct your information where that information is not accurate.

Port your information. You have the right to data portability in circumstances where we rely on contractual necessity or consent as our legal basis. This means that you have the right to receive your information in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format and to share it with a third party. Object to the processing of your information. You also have the right to object to the processing of your information in certain circumstances. This right applies when we are performing a task in the public interest, pursuing our legitimate interests or those of a third party, or when your data is processed for the purpose of facilitating scientific or historical research in certain circumstances. In submitting an objection request, please provide all relevant information, including the processing activity you are objecting to, why you want to object and how the processing activity affects you, and any additional information that you think will help us review your request. We will stop the particular processing if we don't have compelling legitimate grounds to continue that processing or don’t need it for legal claims.

Restrict the processing of your information. You have the right to request the restriction of the processing of your information where (a) you are challenging the accuracy of the information, (b) the information has been unlawfully processed, but you are opposing the deletion of that information, (c) where you need the information to be retained for the pursuit or defense of a legal claim, or (d) you have objected to processing and you are awaiting the outcome of that objection request.

To exercise any of the above rights, please contact us through our webform. Before we can respond to a request to exercise one or more of the rights listed above, you may be required to verify your identity or your account details or provide additional information so that we can understand your request.

We encourage you to “Contact us” if you are not satisfied with how we have responded to any of your rights requests. You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the Irish Data Protection Commission (TikTok Ireland’s lead supervisory authority) or with your local supervisory authority.

Our Global Operations and Data Tran

When we transfer your information outside of the EEA, the UK, or Switzerland, we ensure it benefits from an adequate level of data protection by relying on:

  • Adequacy decisions. These are decisions from the European Commission under Article 45 GDPR (or equivalent decisions under other laws) where they recognise that a country offers an adequate level of data protection. We transfer your information as described in “What Information We Collect” to some countries with adequacy decisions, such as the countries listed here; or
  • Standard contractual clauses. The European Commission has approved contractual clauses under Article 46 of the GDPR, which allows companies in the EEA to transfer data outside the EEA. These (and their approved equivalent for the UK and Switzerland) are called standard contractual clauses. We rely on standard contractual clauses to transfer information as described in “What Information We Collect” to certain entities in our Corporate Group (as described here) and third parties in countries without an adequacy decision. For a copy of these adequacy decisions or standard contractual clauses, please contact us via the details provided in the “Contact us” section below.
Contact Us

You can contact us about this Partner Privacy Policy through our webform. You can reach TikTok's Data Protection Officer here.

You can also contact us at the following postal address.

  • For users in the European Economic Area and Switzerland: TikTok Technology Limited, 10 Earlsfort Terrace, Dublin, D02 T380, Ireland.
  • For users in the United Kingdom: TikTok Information Technologies UK Limited, Kaleidoscope, 4 Lindsey Street, London, EC1A 9HP, United Kingdom.

If you are using our services in India, the Partner Platform is provided and controlled by Bytedance (India) Technology Private Limited. TikTok is our brand for providing and promoting the services. When using these services from India, please accordingly read “TikTok”, “we” or “us” in this policy to refer to Bytedance (India) Technology India Private Limited.

If you are using our services in Indonesia, the following additional terms apply. In the event of any conflict between the following additional terms and the provisions of the main body of this policy, the following terms shall apply.

Data Controller. The E-Commerce Services provided through the TikTok platform in Indonesia operates as “Shop.” References in this Partner Privacy Policy to “TikTok”, “we” or “us” shall, where appropriate, be taken to refer to PT Tokopedia and TikTok Pte Ltd which are the data controllers responsible for your personal data, including for the purpose of providing E-Commerce Services.

Age, Parental and Guardian Consent. By accessing and/or using the E-Commerce Services, you represent that you are at least 21 years of age or married or not under guardianship. If you are below 21 years old and you are not married, or under guardianship:

  • you must obtain approval from your parent(s) or legal guardian(s); and
  • your parent(s) or legal guardian(s) are responsible for: (i) all your actions in connection with your access to and use of the E-Commerce Services; (ii) your compliance with this policy; and (iii) ensuring that any of your participation in the e-commerce services will not, in any event, result in any violation of applicable laws and regulations relating to child protections.

If you do not have consent from your parent(s) or legal guardian(s) and your parent(s) or guardian(s) is not willing to open the account under their name, you must cease accessing the E-Commerce Services.

Your Choices. You may withdraw your consent to our disclosure of personal data to third parties. Upon your request, we will cease to display, publish, transmit, disseminate, and/or open the access to your personal data to third parties. Please note that by withdrawing your consent to the disclosure and/or collection of your personal data, we may not be able to fulfill your requests and you may not be able to use some Partner Platform features and functionality.

You may request that we (i) disclose the history of personal data that we have collected; and/or (ii) erase and dispose of your personal data that we have collected on our server. Please note that by requesting us to erase and dispose of your personal data, you may not be able to use some Partner Platform features and functionality.

To exercise any of your rights, contact us at https://www.tiktok.com/legal/report/privacy.

Notification. In the event of any breach of personal data, we will in accordance with applicable law, notify you and provide you with information regarding such breach of personal data.

Data retention. We retain your information for as long as it is necessary to provide you with the service. Where we do not need your information in order to provide the service to you, we retain it only for so long as we have a legitimate business purpose in keeping such data. However, there are occasions where we are likely to keep this data for five (5) years (or longer if required) in accordance with our legal obligations or where it is necessary for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims.

After you have terminated your use of our Partner Platform and a five (5) year retention period has lapsed, we store your information in an aggregated and anonymized format. Non-personally identifiable information may be retained indefinitely for analytics.

If you are using our services in Japan, the following additional terms apply. In the event of any conflict between the following additional terms and the provisions of the main body of this policy, the following terms shall apply.

Requirements for sharing and collecting your information:

  • TikTok will conduct necessary and appropriate supervision of our employees, such as educating or training employees processing your information. Where a data breach has occurred or where TikTok has determined that it is likely that such a breach has occurred by us or our service providers, TikTok will report the relevant facts to you promptly, investigate and report thereon, and implement recurrence prevention measures.
  • When outsourcing or subcontracting the processing of your information, TikTok will enter into a contract imposing the same level of data protection obligations as set forth in the terms with the outsourcee/subcontractor who has been retained by us for the processing of all or part of your information, and shall perform appropriate supervision and be responsible for the performance of the contract by the outsourcee/subcontractor.
  • If TikTok transfers your information or audiences you create to third parties or TikTok affiliates that are located outside Japan, TikTok will impose on such third parties and TikTok affiliates the same level of data protection obligations as our obligations under TikTok Business Product (Data) Terms by way of a written contract or legally binding rules, except as otherwise permitted under the applicable laws, regulations, and applicable industry guidelines.
  • TikTok is responsible for the accuracy, or deletion of any, of your information, as well as the authority to respond to any claims of rights under applicable laws and regulations. TikTok will provide disclosure regarding the processing of your information, and TikTok will be responsible for responding to the exercise of data subject rights and complaints from users.

If you are using our services in Malaysia, the following additional terms apply. In the event of any conflict between the following additional terms and the provisions of the main body of this policy, the following terms shall prevail.

Data Controller. If you are using the E-Commerce Services in Malaysia, the data controller responsible for the processing of your personal data including for the purpose of providing E-Commerce Services is TikTok Shop (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd. However, certain activities relating to the operation of the TikTok Shop platform may be performed by TikTok Pte. Ltd., which will be the data controller for these processing activities. For example, TikTok Pte. Ltd. may be responsible for the development and improvement of the TikTok Shop platform within the TikTok application and will be a data controller for such purposes. When we refer to “TikTok”, “we” or “us” in this Partner Privacy Policy, we mean TikTok Pte. Ltd. and TikTok Shop (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd.

If you are using our services in the Philippines, the following additional terms shall apply pursuant to the relevant laws, rules and regulations and issuances by the Philippines National Privacy Commission (“NPC”) on data privacy.

Data Controller. If you are using E-Commerce Services in the Philippines, the data controller responsible for the processing of your personal data including for the purpose of providing E-Commerce Services is ByteDance Philippines Inc. However, certain activities relating to the operation of the TikTok Shop platform may be performed by TikTok Pte. Ltd., which will be the data controller for these processing activities. For example, TikTok Pte. Ltd. may be responsible for the development and improvement of the TikTok Shop platform within the TikTok application and will be a data controller for such purposes. When we refer to “TikTok”, “we” or “us” in this Partner Privacy Policy, we mean TikTok Pte. Ltd. and ByteDance Philippines Inc.

Your Rights. To the extent that the relevant laws, rules and regulations on data privacy recognize your rights and freedoms as data subjects, you shall have the right to information, object, access, rectification, erasure or blocking, lodge complaints before the NPC, damages and data portability. Before we can respond to a request to exercise one or more of the rights listed above, you may be required to verify your identity or your account details.

If you are using our services in South Korea, the following additional terms apply. In the event of any conflict between the following additional terms and the provisions of the main body of this policy, the following terms shall prevail.

  • Data retention. We destroy personal data whose purpose of collection as consented to by you have been achieved, or whose periods of and use to which you consented to or which were provided in this Partner Privacy Policy have expired; provided, however, we will continue to store your personal data for the following statutorily-prescribed periods, where applicable, including, but not limited to:
  • Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce
    • Records on your cancellation of an order, your payment on a purchased item, and our supply of a good/service: 5 years
    • Records on the handling of consumer complaints or disputes: 3 years
    • Records on advertisements and labels: 6 months
  • Protection of Communications Secrets Act
    • Records on your visits to our website: 3 months
  • Destruction of Personal data. We destroy your personal data in a manner that renders it unrestorable by the relevant department.
  • Data rights. You have the right to access personal data we hold about you, to rectify any personal data held about you that is inaccurate, to request the deletion of personal data held about you, and the right to request the suspension of the processing of your personal data. You can exercise your rights by contacting us at https://www.tiktok.com/legal/report/privacy.
  • Data Security. We work hard to protect the Partner Platform and our users from unauthorized access to or unauthorized alteration, disclosure or destruction of information we hold. To this end, we have in place technical, managerial and physical safeguards, including internal policy for data protection, limiting the access to personal data on a need-to-know basis and controlling access to the facilities where personal data is processed.
  • Entrustment and/or Overseas Transfer of Personal Data. We entrust your data to our affiliates, cloud storage providers, IT service providers, and data centers, some of whom are located abroad, subject to your consents or notifications to you, if applicable. The entities receiving and processing your data are committed to using and storing personal data in compliance with domestic and international regulations and to taking all available physical and technical measures to protect personal data. You may opt-out of such transfer so long as the transfer is not necessary to provide you with the Service, by contacting usat https://www.tiktok.com/legal/report/privacy.
  • Local representative pursuant to the Personal Information Protection Act. Please send your inquiries concerning privacy issues in South Korea to our local representative pursuant to the Personal Information Protection Act. Contact details are as follows.

   Bae, Kim and Lee LLC
   Representative: Yangho Oh
   Address: Tower B, Centropolis, 26 Ujeongguk-ro
   Jongno-gu, Seoul 03161, Korea
   Phone: +82-2-3404-0108
   Email: privacytiktok@bkl.co.kr

If you are using our services in Türkiye, the following additional terms apply along with the contents of the foregoing Partner Privacy Policy. In the event of any conflict between the following additional terms and the provisions of the main body of this Partner Privacy Policy, the following terms shall prevail.

Data Controller Representative. You may contact our data controller representative in Türkiye by email or mail to handle questions and complaints in connection with the processing of your personal data if you are in Turkiye.




Legal bases for the processing your personal data. We rely on the following legal bases while processing your personal data in accordance with Article 5 of the Law No. 6698 on Protection of Personal Data:

  • processing is explicitly laid down or dictated by laws
  • processing of your personal data is necessary provided that it is directly related to the conclusion or fulfilment of the contract between us
  • processing is mandatory for us to be able to comply with our legal obligations
  • the relevant data is made available to the public by yourself
  • processing is mandatory for the establishment, exercise or protection of a right
  • processing is mandatory for our legitimate interests, provided that it does not violate your fundamental rights and freedoms
  • your explicit consent (Please note that we rely on this legal basis only when we require your consent for the processing and we do not rely on this legal basis if and when we rely on one of the other legal grounds above)

Your rights. According to Article 11 of the Data Protection Law, you have the following rights with respect to your personal data:

  • the right to learn whether we process your personal data;
  • the right to request information with regard to such processing, if we process your personal data;
  • the right to learn the purposes of the processing and whether they are used for such purpose or not;
  • the right to know the third parties within or outside the country, to whom we transfer your personal data;
  • the right to request correction of incomplete or inaccurate personal data;
  • the right to request deletion or destruction of your personal data under the conditions set forth in Article 7 of the Data Protection Law;
  • the right to request that we notify the third parties, to whom we transferred your personal data, about the correction, deletion and/or destruction of your personal data per your request within the scope of the foregoing two items;
  • the right to object to the negative results about you that are due to the analysis of your personal data processed solely by automated means;
  • the right to claim indemnification for damages incurred due to illegal processing of your personal data.

You may exercise your rights listed above by contact us at: https://www.tiktok.com/legal/report/privacy.

The requests found in your application will be resolved as soon as possible according to the nature of your request and within thirty days at the latest free of charge. However, if your request incurs additional cost to our company, then you may be charged over the tariff fee determined by the Turkish Personal Data Protection Board.

Amendments. The following sections of the Policy do not apply to individuals in Türkiye:

Language. This policy is available in English and Turkish. If there is any inconsistency or different interpretation between the English and Turkish versions, the Turkish text shall prevail.

If you are using the Partner Platform in the United Arab Emirates (“UAE”), the following additional terms apply. If any conflict arises between the main Partner Privacy Policy and the additional terms, the following terms shall prevail:

How we share your personal data

In addition to the main text of this policy, by using the Partner Platform in the UAE you agree to the terms of this Partner Privacy Policy and consent to our sharing of your personal data in line with the main text of this Partner Privacy Policy.

Governing law and dispute resolution

By using the Partner Platform in the UAE, this Partner Privacy Policy will be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the UAE. In the event of a dispute arising between the parties in connection with this Partner Privacy Policy:

  • where the dispute relates to a claim for a sum within the limits specified by the DIFC Small Claims Tribunal from time to time, then the dispute shall be referred by either party to the said Tribunal; and
  • for all other disputes, the parties shall seek settlement of that dispute by mediation in accordance with the Mediation Rules of the DIFC-LCIA Arbitration Centre, which Rules are deemed to be incorporated by reference to this clause. If the dispute is not settled by mediation within 30 days of the commencement of the mediation, or such further period as the parties shall agree in writing, the dispute shall be referred to and finally resolved by arbitration under the Arbitration Rules of the DIFC-LCIA Arbitration Centre, which Rules are deemed to be incorporated by reference to this clause. The language to be used in the mediation and in the arbitration, shall be English. In any arbitration commenced pursuant to this clause the number of arbitrators shall be one and the arbitration shall be conducted in Dubai.


In the event that you wish to make a complaint about how we process your Information, please contact us in the first instance at https://www.tiktok.com/legal/report/privacy and we will endeavour to deal with your request as soon as possible. This is without prejudice to your right to launch a claim with the data protection supervisory authority in the country in which you live or work where you think we have infringed data protection laws(where applicable).

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